Q and A with Momo Leka

Have you ever thought about what our society would look like without graphic artists? It would be pretty dull. Graphic designers have a creative talent that plays a crucial role in everyday life. As artists, they are responsible for creating appealing visuals that communicate ideas and information to help us understand things around us, whether for business or leisure.
Their artwork can range from billboards, logos, road signs, and vehicle decals, just to name a few.
Meet Momo Leka, a talented Graphic Designer at Bizprint and Scan, a locally-owned print and scan company. In this Q and A blog, we get to learn more about this talented chap.
Name, Age, and Place of Origin:
My name is Momo Leka. I am from the National Capital District and I am 29 years old.
What inspired you to become a Graphic artist?
I was very good at drawing during my primary and secondary schooling days. I was in grade 12 in 2014 when I won the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) Waste Management NCD Logo competition hosted by JICA. The two main criteria for judging were originality and authenticity. That experience motivated me to become a designer.
What institution did you attend and what course did you study?
I have a certificate in Printing and Graphics from the Port Moresby Technical College.
What is the most enjoyable part of your job as a graphic artist
A part of my job that I very enjoy very much, is that there is something new to create and design every day.
What advice would you give to young people who have a passion for graphic arts?
Be original in your design. Stand out by being true to yourself and create something unique. Don’t put yourself into someone’s briefcase.